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Title 10 points to be aware of during patent application
Writer Admin Date 2006-08-28 Hits 1775
- Learn the appropriate application strategies of small/medium companies and individual applicants from lawsuit cases -

The patent dispute between the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, and a domestic company; the increasing lawsuits related to semiconductors among Korea, America and Japan; the FTA between Korea and America… All of these examples indicate that patent attacks made by foreign companies will become more severe. KIPO announced ‘10 points to be aware of during patent application’ to prevent outstanding technologies from becoming useless due to minor mistakes.

Based on the actual and common patent lawsuits, ‘10 points to be aware of during patent application’ provides an integrated analysis, as well as an arranged summary of each type. The 10 articles are brief points that applicants must be aware of avoiding common mistakes.

This analysis is provided to prevent small/medium companies and individual applicants with insufficient experience/knowledge of the patent system from failing to register their competitive patents due to minor mistakes. It analyzes/arranges the common mistakes made by these applicants during patent examinations/judgments.

Increasing experience with patent disputes has elevated the awareness level regarding the importance of intellectual property. More applications are filed by small/medium companies and individual applicants. These applicants cannot manage their patent activities in the same way that large companies with dedicated departments manage patents, and small/medium companies still feel burdened with participate in these activities. With insufficient funds and legal infrastructure, it is actually difficult for small/medium companies and individual applicants to properly understand the intellectual property system, to strategically secure intellectual property, and to prevent the cause of disputes.

‘10 points to be aware of during patent application’ announced by KIPO (Commissioner: JUN, Sang Woo) is expected to give actual help to domestic inventers during their application activities by taking specific cases as examples. It is also expected to give inventors some direction to respond to foreign patent attacks, as well as preventing competitive technologies from becoming useless by minor mistakes.

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